Перевод песни Emma Hewitt - ..................



Текст песни (исполняет Emma Hewitt)

Перевод песни (автор неизвестен)

Оn the day I took you up
It was now or never
And I saved that all you were
On our road to nowhere

I don't want to get out without you now
But you're the same as always
I know you're could,but you won't leave them
I know you're could but you won't listen

You crucify yourself
Look what’s happened baby
Are you still by yourself?
Cause I can’t reach
you lately.

All you said was not enough
I could not wait forever
If I had stayed to hold you up
It would not make you better

I know your could
But you won’t leave them
I know your could
But you won’t listen

You crucify yourself
Look what’s happened baby
Are you still by yourself?
Cause I can’t reach
you lately.

You said you'd leave this
So run away
You don’t need this
So run away

You said you'd leave this
I know you're could

You crucify yourself
Look what’s happened baby
Are you still by yourself?
Cause I can’t reach
you lately.


Перевод добавил(а): sssos78.

Добавлен/редактирован: 14.10.2020 Просмотров: 5393

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