Перевод песни Emma Hewitt - ..............



Текст песни (исполняет Emma Hewitt)

Перевод песни (.............)

I will stay with you tonight
Keep you safe from all you hide
All we were was just a dream

Here our past is left behind
Now our paths are intertwined
All we were and all we ll be now

I ll keep it all alight
When theres nobody out there
When you fall beyond the waves
I will bring you air

A thousand lives all lift till now
All that beauty thats surround
All we were and all we ll seek now

I'll keep it all alight
When theres nobody out there
Make sure you find a way
When you feel you nowhere

I'll keep it all alight
When theres nobody out there
When you fall beyond the waves
I will bring you air
I will bring you air

It s not in me can take from you
We fall from quest
I m falling to
Don t ever fear
I m here beside you always


Перевод добавил(а): sssos78.

Добавлен/редактирован: 23.04.2019 Просмотров: 1316

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