Перевод песни Foxes - ..............



Текст песни (исполняет Foxes)

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Run and hide, it's gonna be bad tonight
Cause here comes your devil side
It's gonna ruin me
It's almost like, slow motion suicide
Watching your devil side,
Get between you and me

So tell me what I need to do
To keep myself away from you
To keep myself from going down
All the way down with you

Still I want you, but not for your devil side
Not for your haunted life,
Just for you
So tell me
Why I deal with your devil side
I deal with your dangerous mind,
But never with you
Who's gonna save you now, who's gonna save you?


Перевод добавил(а): sssos78.

Добавлен/редактирован: 23.04.2019 Просмотров: 1270

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