Перевод песни No Doubt - ..............



Текст песни (исполняет No Doubt)

Перевод песни (автор неизвестен)

I'm on the second floor with a lock on my door
I'm looking at a picture of your face
The last time I looked you were looking really good
But somehow pictures fade

Then we're on the phone and we're all alone
But that just ain't good enough
I go around the world to see your face
'Cause this just ain't good enough

So I'm just kicking it
I'm counting the days
I hardly can wait
For us to hang out
I'm really missing it
In so many ways
I anticipate us making out

Sip my morning tea but you're not next to me
Here goes another day
I'm driving in my car
I wonder how you are
When our favorite music plays

And there are flowers above to my surprise
But that just ain't good enough
And I got the note
It gave me hope
But that just ain't good enough


Перевод добавил(а): sssos78.

Добавлен/редактирован: 14.10.2020 Просмотров: 438

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